Nick is off a 3 month European Vaction. He and his Beautiful wife Dimitra are off on a perilously unplanned excursion from Dubai to .. ermm Dubai.. with alot of stops inbetween

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Red backs and Waterfalls


Dubai has a most excellent water park. It almost scared the pants off Dim. The "Jemeirah Sceirah" was particularly popular amongst the crowd that had gathered at its base. My loving wife joined in whole heartily as well, laughing her head off. Whilst I required medical assistance to remove the shorts from my Bum crack. There was an intriguing cultural mix, with the skimpiest of bikinis ridding the same rides as women dressed in full length burkas. I think the multiculturalism and tolerance exhibited in the UAE is magnificent.


There is a red back outbreak in town. I have been warned by locals to be careful around town, for a venomous spider of infamous proportions is lurking, waiting to pounce. The hysteria generated by this little critter is impressive. It has lessened somewhat now that the antivenom has arrived in local hospitals.


I have joined a rowing club. The Dubai Rowing and Sculling Club has taken me into there fold, and I have been training on the water every morning since Sunday. They have a nice collection of boats, but are currently homeless. Their temporary digs can be found at the marina, and a beautiful section of navigable water that extends into the city. It makes some change from the slippery and muddy Yarra. Each day we launch straight from the beach onto crystal clean, warm emerald green waters. It was wonderful to feel the sand squirm between my toes as the tiny fish dart away from the boats shadow. This weekend I will be coaching the squad from a motor launch.


We visited one of the cheap souk (market). Many souk exist around town, each specialize to a particular market. E.g. gold, textiles, or in this case: cheap pirate rip offs and fake goods. Although our pirate spending spree was cut short by the immanent arrival of a government inspector. Frantic tradesmen were scooping there wares of prada sunglasses into sacks; we were ejected into the street as our store shut up shop. "Come back in 30 minutes" was all we heard. It did give us some respite from the Rolex dealers who vanished into the night. The sporting goods store had already been closed, with large government posters pasted across the main entrance.... no cheap rugby jumpers for me. Apparently there is a big push on the protect those who purchased the rights to the soccer world cup. Looking forward to the contest, but no one here seems to think we have a chance......

Can't believe the walabies are playing England in Melbourne, and I am bloody well here!


Blogger Dikkii said...

QC, you might be interested in this story titled Handbags at Dawn

Well I found it amusing, anyway.


May 30, 2006 5:57 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha nice blog! My compliments, it's very interesting to read. Especially at this stressful and boring time. I'd love to go to the Middle East, I've heard a lot a lot a lot about it from my friend. It's awesome that you are rowing for Dubai Rowing and Sculling thingo... That is very cool. How long are your travels going to last? Hope all is well!

May 31, 2006 10:58 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Enjoying your blog , and looking forward to Morocco . Cann,t believe you found a rowing club in the Desert.You write very well even the spelling has improved .Am looking forward to the next update.

June 01, 2006 7:15 PM

Blogger Nicholas Inglis said...

impoovements in spelling are purely due to Georgie's laptop, not my skill...

June 03, 2006 9:13 AM

Blogger HistoryBuff said...

Well done. somehow I have been conned into starting my own blog. Soon everyone on the planet will have a blog. No real work will be done, except by all those without internet access and Western civilisation will grind to a halt.
The result will be as cataclysmic as the Ice Age or the great meteorite.
Human civilisation will pour down the blog hole, lost in itself.

Hi Nick and Dim
You sound well. Nick is clearly trying for the "rowing in the most unlikely places" medal and seems to win the 2006 prize.
Best wishes

June 04, 2006 1:57 AM


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