Afterthoughts, Paris v's London
Have you ever thought how nice a city can be if evey single inhabitant, regardless of nationality, knows the word "merci" (thankyou). I found that Paris was wonderfull to travel in, with its multicultural mix, and a politeness that I was not expecting.

I know it is a large city, but why is every one in such a hurry. Why do you get bruised walking through a train station. And why does no obne say please, or excuse me, or "sorry I just knocked you down". That and TV Liscences. I thought that Dim was joking. But there do exist TV liscence vans that prowel the neighbor hood scanning for unliscensed TV's. Would you believe you need a liscence for each TV in a home. I felt unclean when I found out.
advice to female travellers.. wash your hair with bottled water, unless you prefer the bottle brush look. the high amounts of disolved chalk/lime etc makes the water verry harsh on hair. I am begging to look like Ice man from top gun.
Arival In Greece
Have landed safely in salonika, and within two hours of arival was up to my arm pits in food. Wonderous, tastey, meat, and salad, and bread, and cheese. This country loves you with food. Had my fortune read in a cup of coffe by the matriach of the clan. Aparently I will learn of an engagement when I make a long distance Phone call... there was also some unclear details about a horse... mabee a horse race.
I Have been enjoying the local cuisine. one of the local delicacys is a kind of jam made from whole grapes. They are tremendously sweet, and drip with suggary treacle. so going to put on weight. We are not sure what to see firts, and are thinking about Island hoping our way to turkey. We were warned that the turks are barbarians (asumedly not just because they wear pants!), but i don't think that all greeks and turks get along so well.
The Temperature is scorchingly hot, and we are both begginging to look like black fellas. I hope that the weather down under is not too cold, or wet, or wet and cold, or frosty and cold, or sunny and cold.... MWHAAHAHAHA