Hotel Cassablanca

Arrived in Mohamad airport yesterday and took a "Grand" taxi (grand means an ageing white mercades with some windows still working) to Hotel Cassablanca. I kept expecting Manuel to make an appearance, or for John clease to come bursting through the door. Although they would all have to be conversing in bad french. Have yet to ask about the war.
The country side is very much like North East Victoria in December; complete with crops being harvested, bales being stacked, and gum tree plantations left right and center. The only differences being that the equipment being used is a little older, and the farmers are dressed in robes. Temperature is a relief after Dubai at only 28-30° C. (hows winter down under mwhahahah?)
A city not much smaller than Melbourne, with strong art deco influence in its artchitecture. Aparently French rejuvanated the city after colonisation in 1920. Many parks and fountains (all dry) and tall palm lined boulevards. the Locals seem to love the outdoors, with every scap of lawn being taken up by familys enjoying the sun.
Although the population is mainly islamic, they practice all the good Muslim principles, and are mindfull of other religions. the five pointed star on the flag does not actualy refer to the 5 principles of Islam, it actualy is representive of the 5 tribes that live in Morrocco: Arabs, Berbers, Christians, Africans, and Jews. Outwardly they all seem to get along, I just can't get used to them all speaking French. The food is fantastic, but we have been forced to learn some french to get along.... the alternative is acidently ordering a plate of Liver!
Grand Mosque

An amazing building. built in about 1980 to enchourage tourism by King Hasan.. impessive feet as it took most of the wealth of the city to build, and that the populace will revolt if taxed to high, or if bread is too expensive, etc etc. It is the second biggest mosque in the world! Have since found out that it can't be used for serious worship as a building that fancy is totaly against Islamic egalitarianism. Took an impressive number of Photos. The mosque has manny stunning fountains, but again we found them all to be bone dry.
We travelled to Menkes from via Rabat where we got ripped for lunch... bloody bus tour railroading. Dim and I have resolved to go by the lonely planet guide book next time. Every one of its eaterys has come up trumps and at the right price. Menkes is amazing, situated in the heart of fertile farmland, and being home to Berbers Jews and arabs in equal numbers. Of note this is the only place in the world where signs are written in Islamic, french, and Hebrew! Some very impresive sightseing.
King Ishmauel Set went to town on the place in the 3 centurys ago. Came in and knocked off the berbers (The Berbers are well renown warriors, and also have somewhat heathen views of of there adopted religion Islam), and set up the city as capital of Morrocco. He kicked out the portugese, made war on the spanish, defeated the otomans, and made fast friends of the French. He built a gargantuan palace here as a gift for King Louie's daughter, but of course this was refused, but the palace remains.... ermm... well there was an eart quqke in 1715 and every thing was leveled (palace included). This means that there are some spectacular ruins and a kasbar (central most protected part of city) that you can drive through.. no twisty streets. The city is undergoing restoration now that its tourism potential has been revealed.
Off to Fes tomorro. Spelling and grammer going to hell.. I blame these frenchie keyboards.. Damn frogs have moved all the keys around!
You know why Fez is called Fez, don't you?
June 06, 2006 4:30 AM
You make my life seem so boring. Albeit, it is. The weather, here in Melbourne, is hellacious, erm, I mean perfect.
June 06, 2006 4:18 PM
> (hows winter down under mwhahahah?)]
Cold and going on forever, ski season starts monday, although the northeast has been too dry for much snow. Hmm lonely planet eateries yumm.
June 09, 2006 11:56 PM
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