Beautiful Prague

Prague is the most beautiful city in the world. Dim fell in love with the city once upon a time and she has shared the wonder. The city also has her most favorite bridge in the world. The Charles bridge. Built in the 14th century. Long, dotted with ancient black encrusted statues and artists hocking there drawings/watercolours. I must say I got sick and tired of the prettyness by the end. How can one city have postcard perfect streets at EVERY TURN! I mean what are these people. Can't they allow just a few ugly run down buildings.

BUGGGARRRRRR! Its a crap game anyway. Found an Auusie and Kiwi to watch the soccer with. Then proceeded to drink the bar dry, but it did not help. Bloody stinking penalty! Beer is very good!
Museum of Communism

This was a real surprise. The Czechs are very happy with the speed with which they threw off Communism, once they got the chance, and very little remains of the bad old days. Thus in the Museum of Communism they had everything from a fully kitted out shop selling TWO types of canned goods, to military paraphernalia and the full story of the "Velvet Revolution". This was championed by a bloke called Vaklav Havel. He seemed very laid back, t-shirt and jeans. Leading the fray into open speech and rock music.
Other stuff!

We spent plenty of time sampling the sights. Crowning the city is a most excellent palce/castle. More stunning facades/ spires/ statues/ don't you just get tired of perfection. They call Prague the

We also made a quick trip down to the Jewish quarter/ town square and saw astronomical clock. This was very fancy and has been ringing the bells with clockwork skeletons for centuries.
Now a word about the Czechs. Apart from the fairytale landscape they live in, they seem much the same as any other Melbournian. They have trams, they are cute and red, Dim the little gunzel wanted to vist the tram museum (I had to put the foot down!). The beer is cold and cheap, and the locals are friendly. A tourist trap is still a tourist trap though, and you need to get a few blocks away from any of the main sights to find resonably priced foods and beers. One thing about the local cuisine. It seems to consist of oversized hors d'oeuvres. The local parma consists of a whole chicken schnitzel served on a dry pice of round bread. I don't think they have ever heard of a sandwich. But man... they do do very good chicken schnitzels.

what is with the big yellow ball. Communist era wind damper? Cool clock, nice sepia toned brige. I've heard that czech girls are cute, must ask someone who has been, and who isn't one eyed in devotion to his girl.
July 03, 2006 6:41 AM
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